נ"ך מקראות גדולות - ארטסקרול - יג"כ

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ArtScroll Mesorah PublicationsSKU: 210000032875   | ISBN: 9781422627587

$363 $389.99


Czuker Edition Hebrew Nach Mikra'os Gedolos Full Size Set - 13 Volumes [Neviim, Kesuvim]

Enrich your understanding of Nevi’im (the Prophets) and Kesuvim (the Writings) with this bestselling series. Each volume features many mefarshim that never appeared on the Mikra’os Gedolos page, with new additions as well.

• Every word of every commentary is menukad, with the rashei teivos spelled out
• The text of every commentary has undergone thorough review and diligent research, based on manuscripts and early printings
• Newly typeset, user-friendly page design
• Specially milled, acid-free, lightweight opaque paper
• Incredibly durable, state-of-the-art, reinforced library binding

Classic Mikra'os Gedolos commentaries:
Targum, Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Rid, Ralbag, Minchas Shai, Biur HaGra, Mezudas David, Mezudas Tzion, Malbim Plus These Additional Commentaries: Mahari Kara, Maharal, Minchah Ketanah, Rishon LeTzion, Chomas Anach, Sforno, Kitzur Alshich, Ri Milisa and more.

New Original Additions Appearing on the Page:
Likkutei Shas U'Medrashei HaTannaim - An original comprehensive compilation, citing relevant texts from Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi,and major Midrashim where a verse is discussed.
Baal HaTurim - An original collection of comments by Baal HaTurim on Chumash explaining verses in Nevi'im Sifsei Zekainim - Anthology of classic commentaries explaining Rashi's commentary on the megillos.

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