Retirement - Practical Torah thoughts and advice
We are taught in the Torah to always endeavor to emulate Hashem. “Be holy for I am holy” (Vayikra 19:3). Even as we retire from our jobs and approach a new stage in our lives, we are not retired from being active or doing good in this world. As we strive to reach the high standards that Hashem has set for us, retirement is the ideal time in our lives to perfect our obligation of living in this world as G-d-fearing Jews.
After decades of overcoming challenges in the professional sphere, we have more time to focus on our learning, prayer, and relationships with others.
In this volume, Rabbi Suchard explores the rich possibilities available to us, so that we can enjoy and experience fulfillment, satisfaction, and a meaningful retirement.
About the author:
Rabbi Tzadok Shmuel Suchard was born in South Africa in 1939, where he was raised and educated. At fifteen, he was one of the first minyan of students in the Yeshiva College, and two years later he traveled to the US, where he spent eleven years in the renowned Telshe Yeshiva.
Rabbi Suchard was ordained by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Katz and stayed on to further his studies in the Telshe Kollel, where was a close talmid of the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Gifter, zt”l. He was subsequently appointed as a lecturer of Talmud in the Telshe Yeshiva.
Receiving a call from South Africa, he returned to become a senior lecturer in Yeshiva College and also the founding dean of the Menora Girls’ High, a position he held for four years.
For forty-six years, Rabbi Suchard was the spiritual head of the Beth Medrash Hagadol, Sandton, one of the fastest growing communities in South Africa.
He also served as a dayan on the South African beis din for thirty years.
By: Rabbi Tzadok Shmuel Suchard
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