Hilchos Kashrus: The Inside Story - From Gemara To Halacha

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Adir PressSKU: 210000035445   | ISBN: 9781988022666

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Aspiring to gain a firm understanding
of the laws of kashrus?
Looking for guided learning material
for group or individual learning?
Need to get to the source of a kashrus issue?
Then this book is for you!Hilchos Kashrus: The Inside Story makes an in-depth
study of halacha accessible to both scholar and
layman alike by guiding the reader to uncover the
depths of the words of our Sages.Prepare yourself for the rewarding journey of
studying halacha from the original sources and
delving into its concepts and principles."This groundbreaking and meticulous in-depth study
of kashrus provides a solid foundation of the Shulchan
Aruch for all those who wish to benefit from it."
Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu
Av Beis Din, European Beis Din
"Written with great toil and clarity in Torah. It will
definitely be of great benefit to all those who wish to
approach the study of these subjects."
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman
Av Beis Din, Federation of Synagogues UK

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