Torah Anthology - Me'am Loez - Devarim - Deureronomy (E) - Repentance and Blessing - Vol. 19

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R' Yitzchak MagrisoSKU: 210000033538   | ISBN: 9780940118553

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Portions of Nitzavim, VaYelech, Haazinu, VeZot HaBracha.

The last weeks of Moses' life are running out. With his passing will go mankind's one and only chance to hear its Creator's words of prophecy in the purest and most direct way ever transmitted. But much is accomplished in that brief time. A new covenant between G-d and the Israelites is established, and the penalties for its violation are made clear. To mitigate them, the mitzvah of repentance is enjoined and explained.

Joshua is appointed Moses' successor, the sublime poetry of the Song of Ha'azinu and Moses' final blessing to the tribes is set down.

And in the end, along with his G-d Moses is granted his last wish: He is shown the land of Israel. No tomb, no stone marks his grave. But G-d's words of praise accompany Moses through all eternity

Translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

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