Toras Avigdor on Moadim - Volume 2

SKU: 210000036611   | ISBN: 9781607633709



Read Rav Miller's timeless Torah on the yamim tovim!

Covering the months of Elul through Adar — Yamim Nora'im through Purim.

Toras Avigdor is a small, grass-roots group that was formed with a single goal in mind — to spread the Torah of Rav Avigdor Miller, zt"l, to fellow Jews all over the world. And they've been succeeding admirably. Their weekly parshah booklets, painstakingly composed every week by dedicated talmidim of Rav Miller, have won the hearts and minds of tens of thousands of Jews across the globe. And their daily Q & A's from Rav Miller give readers a much-needed dose of emes and inspiration.

Now Toras Avigdor on the Moadim is available in book form, and it will surely become a treasured part of your library. 

Author: Toras Avigdor
Hardcover | 6.6" x 9.3" | 486 pages | ISBN 9781607633709

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