Yad Avraham Mishnah Series 39 Tractate PARAH (Seder Tohoros 3b)

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ArtScroll Mesorah PublicationsSKU: 210000013773   | ISBN: 9781422600931

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Yad Avraham Mishnah Series:39 Tractate PARAH (Seder Tohoros 3b)

A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic sources 

THIS TRACTATE DISCUSSES THE LAWS OF THE RED HEIFER; FOR THE PURIFICATION FROM CORPSE TUMAH. NOW WITH THE HEBREW TEXT OF THE COMMENTARY OF R' OVADYA OF BERTINORO. The ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed and clarified by contending minds in the study hall.

  • Hebrew text fully punctuated and vowelized
  • New English translation distinguished for clarity
  • In-depth introduction preceding each tractate
  • Every phrase in the Mishnah is accounted for; no need to refer back and forth from text to commentary
  • Illustrative diagrams to explain concepts
  • Prefatory comments to introduce new concepts
  • Yad Avraham commentary covering the full range of major, and many secondary, commentaries.

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