Reb Yisroel Salanter - The Story of Rabbi Yisroel Lipkin - s/c

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In the 19th century, a leader of magnificent spiritual stature emerged in Lithuania. a gaon who made a lasting contribution toward the revitalization of Torah Judaism. This Individual was R' Yisrael Lipkin of Salant. known as R' Yisrael Salanter; he was the father of the mussar movement. which continues to shape the Torah community the world over to the present day.

R' Yisrael examined the Jewish community of his time, and he was not satisfied with what he found. Klal Yisrael needed to be revitalized, to be given a new perspective on achieving their life goals. R' Yisrael dedicated his life to this course. Man, he taught, must endlessly strive for perfection, must never be content with his spiritual attainments. It was due to Rabbi Yisraels indefatigable efforts and dedication that the mussar approach became a widespread movement that brought a new dimension of sincerity and vitality into the yeshivas of Lithuania.

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