The Soul of Kaddish - R' Yechiel Spero

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R' Yechiel SperoSKU: 210000039598   | ISBN: 9781422639375

$22 $26


The Soul of Kaddish - The Prayer of Comfort and Consolation with Stories and Insights

Saying Kaddish for a loved one. It is one of the most well-observed Jewish traditions. However, its cryptic language often makes this sacred and hallowed prayer feel unrelatable. This powerful and inspiring book changes that. Rabbi Yechiel Spero uses classic Torah sources, insights, and — of course! — stories to explore the essence and, indeed, the soul of Kaddish.

Within the The Soul of Kaddish you will find chizuk, hope and encouragement in the words of Kaddish. There are chapters on doing teshuvah, acceptance of loss and bereavement, insights into comfort and consolation, and even a section on Mashiach and Techiyas Hameisim.

In times of challenge and growth, this book will transform you.

By: Rabbi Yechiel Spero

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