As In Heaven So On Earth Vol. 3

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The story of our redemption from Mitzraim (Egypt) is a story replete with the most relevant information - information with the power to radically improve the quality of our lives. We are each enslaved in a spiritual Egyptian bondage, sometimes without even knowing it. As In Heaven, So On Earth, Volumes 3 and 4, will help you shatter the chains of bondage and crash through whatever barriers hold you back until you attain personal redemption.

Following the chronology of Sefer Shmos (the Book of Exodus), some of the major themes are:

  • Amalek, the source of unhappiness, and how to defeat him
  • Slavery and overwork
  • Fighting the Pharaoh within
  • Personal "plagues": doorways to growth
  • Manna and working for a living
  • The mitzvah of emunah and the 10 Commandments
  • Not coveting
  • Mishpatim and past life debts
  • The Golden Calf and freedom
  • Afterlife and Science
  • The meaning of korbonos
  • And more...

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