My First Menorah

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Salina YoonSKU: 210000004811   | ISBN: 9780689877469

$6.75 $7.99


Hanukkah miracles fill the pages of this sparkly foil menorah book! Turn the candle-shaped pages one by one to learn about the eight days of this Jewish holiday and celebrate with blessings, gifts, and family fun.

The Hanukki­ah on the cov­er of this board book shows all eight Hanukkah can­dles lit. Inside, a die-cut space near the top of each page cre­ates the illu­sion that the can­dles are being lit, one by one, for eight nights. How­ev­er, that illu­sion is less­ened by the sight of the oth­er can­dles that show through on the fac­ing page. The eye is also drawn away from the can­dles being count­ed on the left hand pages to the text that is print­ed on the right hand pages. That text imparts short facts about the hol­i­day in rather advanced terms for the tod­dlers who will enjoy han­dling this bright­ly col­ored nov­el­ty. A very addi­tion­al pur­chase for ages 2 – 4.

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