נביאים ראשונים - שמואל -מנוקד - מהדורת חינוך תפראת רוט

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ArtScroll Mesorah PublicationsSKU: 210000010911   | ISBN: 9781422625330

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Neviim - Chinuch Tiferes Rus Volume 2: Shmuel 1-2

Newly designed and typeset, based upon extensive consultation with scores of educators and reading specialists, this new innovative Navi will be welcomed by teachers, students, and shul-goers.

Features include:

  • Large, clear type
  • Extra-reinforced side-sewn binding for durability
  • Meforshim fully vowelized (Menukad), while maintaining the layout of the standard edition, allowing the two editions to be easily used in the same class
  • Comfortable spacing between lines and a clean page design
  • Page headings designed to help find the place easily
  • Layout of all the meforshim text especially formatted for ease of use, including the bolding and nikkud (vowelization) of each heading
  • Includes Targum Yonoson, Metzudos Dovid and Metzudos Tzion
  • The Targum on each page begins ands end at the same words as the Text of the Navi
  • The appendix includes the complete text of the Sefer, indicating the shoresh (root) of the word and its binyan (grammatical structure)
  • Over twenty full-color pages with many important charts, illustrations and maps to help young and old alike understand the material.

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