The Talmud Treasury - An index of fascinating facts and stories

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Mosaica PressSKU: 210000043442   | ISBN: 9781961602144

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The Talmud Treasury - An index of fascinating facts and stories

When exploring many areas of Torah, it can often be difficult to understand the context of the maamarei Chazal. Why are these Sages arguing? What is the background to the statement or disagreement?

Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman has undertaken the herculean project of creating that context by gathering statements about figures from Tanach, Tannaim, and Amoraim from across Torah Shebe’al Peh. By knowing more about the giants of our mesorah, we can share their stories with our children and understand their statements with more clarity.

“This sefer, appropriate for individuals of any background, will allow a person to find ‘the words of the living God.’ Without a doubt, [the author was] granted unique Divine inspiration to author such a work...”

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lehrfield, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Bais Yisroel, Yerushalayim

“A unique work that serves as a resource book to anyone seeking interesting details of the lives and character of Tanaaim, Amoraim, and Biblical personages…”

Rabbi Chaim Twerski, Mara D’Asra, Bais Chaim Dovid, Lincolnwood, IL

About the author:

Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman learned in Yeshivas Bais Yisroel under Rabbi Doniel Lehrfield, as well as the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim under Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel and Rabbi Asher Arieli. He received his semichah from Rabbi Lehrfield and Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg, zt”l, in Yoreh Deah and Orach Chayim.

When he first returned to Chicago, he founded the Yeshiva Program of Adas Yeshurun for young men in colleges throughout the Chicagoland area.

Rabbi Zimmerman currently serves as the Mashgiach Ruchani of Beis HaMidrash LaTorah/Hebrew Theological College (Skokie Yeshiva) and is a maggid shiur for the ninth grade. He serves as the Associate Rav at Bais Chaim Dovid in Lincolnwood. He is the author of Meorer Yeshanim on Torah. He has delivered shiurim for organizations all over the world. Thousands of his shiurim on Chumash, Navi, Chagim, and Hashkafah can be found on his website: He also has many shiurim featured on, as well as podcasts available on all podcast platforms.

By: Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman

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