Torah Anthology - Me'am Loez - Devarim - Deureronomy (B) - Faith and Optimism - Vol. 16

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R' Yitzchak MagrisoSKU: 210000033532   | ISBN: 9780940118454

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Portion of VaEtchanan.

This volume is extensive in its scope. It covers the Sidra VaEtchanan which is read without exception, on Shabbat Nachamu-the Shabbat following the fast of Tisha BeAv. The Sidra opens with the prayer of Moshe to be allowed to enter the Promised Land and his resignation to the verdict against that plea. Then follows his exhortation to adhere faithfully to the worship of One G-d.

The compiler of this part of the anthology, Yitzhak Behar Argueti collected material from the treasure-store of Rabbinic literature. Here are described the tragic events surrounding the fall of Jerusalem and the beginning of the tragic exile, as also the laws of Tisha BeAv and other fasts. Then follow the laws of the cities of refuge designated for the un willful killer. Then follows the account of the second set of the Ten Commandments and these are discussed with less detail than they are in Sidra Yitro. The laws of the Shema are given great prominence here.

Translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

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