An Enlightening Study of
Chanukah And Purim
BODY AND SOUL presents a comprehensive and
in-depth study, revealing the secrets and sanctity of
Chanuka and Purim in a new light.
THIS LIGHT, the light from the ohr haganuz (the
hidden light) was originally revealed in the sifrei Maharal.
After centuries of neglect, it was rekindled for the Torah
world by the appearance of the famous maamarim of
Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Hutner, zt"l, and recorded in his
sefarim, Pachad Yitzchak.
IT IS SAID that the Maharal had the keys to Chazal, and
Rav Hutner had the keys to the understanding of the
Maharal, not to exclude his uncanny insights into the
words of the Ramban, the Gra, and many others.TODAY, forty years after his passing - the years necessary
to understand the mind and ways of one's rebbi ("adatai
d'rabbai") - his inspiration has brought about a crescendo
of interest in his Torah, the maamarim. The light he
brought to the world continues to shine brightly.
"He was planted in this generation to bring light to
the world and all who dwell in it - a new light"(FROM THE INSCRIPTION ON HIS TOMBSTONE)
By: Rav Yitzchok Alster
Translated by: Rabbi Yehoshua Grant
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6.25" x 9.25"
Pages: 281
Language: English
Publisher: Nachlas Tzvi Press
ISBN-10: 160204029X
ISBN-13: 9781602040298
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